Intuitive Coaching

navigating your inner compass

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and healing.

As an intuitive coach, and inspired by my own journey that spans the depths of ancestral healing and world exploration.

my mission is to guide and empower seekers as they navigate the challenges and transformations of life.

why work with me?

From Ancestral Healing to Global Exploration

My journey as an intuitive coach has been deeply influenced by my exploration of ancestral roots and the healing of ancestral trauma. Through this journey, I've discovered the profound impact of understanding and healing our ancestral lineage on our own personal growth.

Traveling the world, I've connected with diverse cultures and perspectives, allowing me to see the beauty in our global community. These experiences have shaped my approach to intuitive coaching, emphasizing the importance of cultural diversity and understanding in our personal growth.

Creative writing has been a constant companion on my journey. It's a tool that has allowed me to express my innermost thoughts, reflect on my experiences, and heal. Now, I bring the magic of creative writing to my coaching, empowering individuals to use their words to heal, grow, and flourish.

I am, because we are…

ecosystem partnerships

We believe in the power of collaboration. Esty Ubuntu are excited to work with other brands, healers and wellbeing facilitators. By forming ecosystem partnerships, we can create a supportive network that empowers women on a broader scale, offering a variety of holistic and transformative experiences.

  • Healers & Herbalists

  • Wellness and Holistic brands

  • Apparel and accessories brands

  • Bookstores and publishers

  • Education and career development organizations (valuable resources such as online courses, mentorship programs, and tools for personal and professional growth).

  • Locally-owned businesses